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             ●  Development of web site featuring
             Calendar of Events and links to partner
             sites hosted by the Iowa Department            What is a barn
             of Transportation website and the Iowa
             tourism web site.                              quilt?
             ●  Creation of Facebook page.
                                                            Barn quilts are large, colorful 8-foot
             ●  Designation as a Silos and Smokestacks
             National Heritage Partner Site (a “ready-      square wooden blocks mounted on
             to-ride” drive through one of Iowa’s           barns or cribs that are at least 50
             outstanding agricultural stories).             years old.

             ●  Additional marketing to thousands of
             visitors and residents participating in the   In partnership with the many entities listed in      ○ Research and identify target markets
             2011 Des Moines Register Annual Great       Point 4 related to a committee on Marketing            that include consumers, niche
             Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) event.      and Economic Development, this plan                    audiences, and group tours, and

             ●  New partnerships with organizations      recommends:                                            determines where they acquire their
             representing niche markets (i.e. Iowa                                                              information�
             Bicycle Coalition; Iowa River Revival).    Market
                                                                                                                ○ Establish a public relations plan that
             ●  IVSB audio tour and accompanying          1.  Create IVSB marketing interest group/             identifies media outlets.
             guide, with additional plans to develop         subcommittee to promote visitation.                ○ Identify and establish a network of
             Wi-Fi; App tours.                            2.  Create and place new interpretive                 partners and organizations representing
             ●  New Scenic Byway signage.                    signage.                                           niche audiences for collaborative

        NEW MARkETING/TOURISM                             3.  Complete and market the new audio tour.           promotion and marketing. This would
        PARTNERShIPS AND                                  4.  Use new logo and branding on all                  include web links to organizational
        RECOMMENDATIONS                                      marketing/promotional products and at
                                                             events�                                            ○ Identify partnerships with, and garner
        An important next phase in the expansion of       5.  Develop new marketing opportunities               assistance from, regional and national
        promotion and marketing opportunities for            as the first byway designated a Silos              organizations such as: National Park
        the IVSB and its resident communities, is            and Smokestacks National Heritage                  Service Rivers and Trails Program
        identifying niche audiences and establishing         Area partner site. Request marketing               (technical assistance).
        collaborative partnerships with organizations        assistance from the SSNHA program.                 ○ Identify major marketing venues,
        that represent them and itineraries that reflect                                                        regionally and nationally.
        their primary interests. Based on the recent      6.  Apply for Scenic Byways Marketing Grant
        survey, these are expected to include niche          from the Federal Highways Administration           ○ Outline special projects/events.
        areas related to all of the IVSB’s intrinsic         to conduct a marketing plan for the IVSB           ○ Expand digital media to include blogs
        quality features.                                    that:                                              and Twitter.
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