Page 103 - ISVB
P. 103
Point 13: design Standards discussion
This section includes a discussion of The Iowa DOT is responsible for developing a
design standards relating to any proposed State Transportation Plan (STIP) that identifies
modification of the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway, a multi-year plan that prioritizes proposed
including an evaluation of how the proposed highway improvements. STIPs are for five-
changes may affect the intrinsic qualities of the year periods. The current STIP spans 2011–
Byway corridor� 2014. Regional Planning Affiliations (RPAs)
submit Transportation Improvement Plans
Roadway design standards for the State of (TIPs) for their respective regions for inclusion
Iowa are available from the Iowa Department in the STIP. Two RPAs are responsible for
of Transporation, Office of Design (http://www. TIPs involving the Byway. The Central Iowa RPA includes Tama and Poweshiek counties.
The Design Manual summarizes Federal and Iowa County is under the Region 10 RPA.
State laws and regulations. These regularly
updated standards are intended for interstate Roadway modifications that pose the greatest
and primary (state and U.S. highway) roads. threat to the primary cultural and historical
intrinsic qualities of the Iowa Valley Scenic
For transportation infrastructure at the city Byway are those that require new right-of-
and county level, the Iowa Statewide Urban way acquisition. For modifications made
Design and Specifications (SUDAS) design with federal funding assistance, the National
manual ( Historic Preservation Act mandates pre-
is a comprehensive reference to road design, construction surveys of archaeological and
particularly Chapter 5. The IDOT Office of historic architectural sites within the proposed
Local Systems provides links to a number of rights-of-way. These surveys, reviewed for
documents relating to road design standards, compliance by the State Historic Preservation
including bridges and culverts (http://www. Office, provide considerable protection for historic properties in areas along roads in the
Byway corridor�