Page 104 - ISVB
P. 104
Point 14: Plans to Interpret Significant resources
exISTING MeTHodS To marketed. The annual Meskwaki Powwow, gain a better understanding of how and why
INTerPreT SIGNIfICaNT history and culture exhibit at the Meskwaki this region and its resources offered both a
byWay reSoUrCeS Bingo Casino and Hotel, Meskwaki History homeland and a place of refuge for a variety
Museum, and the recent series of symposia of ethnic groups, some of whom who stayed,
The Iowa Valley Scenic Byway is fortunate in currently provide the primary local, interpretive and others who only passed through, and
having the presence of two celebrated anchors venues for Meskwaki history and culture. how, even today, it continues to mirror in a
in the Amana Colonies and the Meskwaki microcosm the continuing story of Midwestern
Settlement. The seven villages of the In order for Byway visitors to fully appreciate agriculture. Particularly relevant for future
Amanas are already interpreted with existing the Corridor’s intrinsic qualities, however, interpretation are themes identified in the
brochures, signage, audio tours, museums, the remarkable relationship between the preparation of this CMP. These include:
living history demonstrations and festivals that two anchoring communities and the related
focus on history, crafts, traditions, food and historic points in between need to be more ● community cohesion, independence, and
music. These offerings have been nationally fully articulated and interpreted. Visitors should identity over time with complimentary and
contrasting strategies between the True
Inspirationists and the Meskwaki
● communities as the product of nineteenth
century notions of Manifest Destiny, the
Frontier, and self-determination that
arose as a reaction to national policies
related to the westward movement, tribal
relocation, and sovereignty
● communities as quintessential Americana
● resident communities’ contrasting and
complimentary uses of Iowa River
In addition to the recommendations related to
interpretation previously suggested in Points 3
and 12, this plan recommends the following: