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              RECOMMENDATIONS                                  8.  Apply for Silos and Smokestacks National    11. Investigate the interest of independent
                                                                   Heritage Area grants to create additional       media producers such as Fourth Wall
              Document and research                                interpretive narratives�                        Films and Iowa Public Television in

               1.  Establish a subcommittee of the Byway       9.  Fully flesh out and interpret local incidents   creating documentary programming on
                  Board or management team to establish            related to nationally significant events        the unique relationship between the True
                  goals and set priorities for interpretation.     such as the Lincoln Highway, Mormon             Inspirationists and the Meskwaki.

               2.  Apply for additional funding to prepare an      migration, and Underground Railroad.        12. Develop and interpret the story of Iowa’s
                  interpretation plan for the IVSB.            10. Research and prepare new and revised            conservation efforts in the IVSB and

               3.  Based on the interpretive plan, select          interpretive narratives about significant       efforts to reclaim prairie, wetlands, and
                                                                                                                   wildlife habitats (particularly birds).
                  major themes and develop texts and               and recently identified or recognized
                  images for interpretive signage and              historic and cultural resources (see        13. Develop and interpret some of the stories
                  install along the IVSB. Utilize the              CDRom): General Land Office Survey              of courage and resilience as suggested
                  1999 field inventory of the Iowa Valley          maps/notes, “ghost towns,” pioneer              by local residents at recent community
                  Scenic Byway’s visual features and the           cemeteries, rural churches, Patterson           events. Examples include :
                  maps presented in this CMP to identify           Trading Post, Meskwaki Village Site, and          ○ The Meskwaki land purchase
                  appropriate locations for interpretive           other historic archaeological sites, historic     ○ Meskwaki Code Talkers
                  signage.                                         personages such as the Meskwaki Code
                                                                   Talkers, seasonal use of resources, and           ○ Surviving the 2008 flood
               4.  Fully research and interpret the story          native crafts�
                  of the interaction between the True                                                                ○ Surviving the change from Amana’s
                  Inspirationists and the Meskwaki.                                                                  communal structure to the current
                                                                                                                     corporate/private system
               5.  Update current historical interpretive
                  narratives at the Amana Colonies to
                  showcase the relationship between the
                  Meskwaki and the True Inspirationists.

               6.  Develop the agricultural and early
                  industrial stories of the Corridor as part
                  of the Byway’s new designation as the
                  first included as a Silos and Smokestacks
                  Heritage Area partner site.
               7�  Develop interpretive information on
                  Century and Heritage Farms in the IVSB,
                  and, with permission of landowners,
                  acknowledge such properties with
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