Page 96 - ISVB
P. 96


        Point 11: Signage Plan

        A signage plan for the IVSB was developed and new signs installed
        in 2011. Signage was designed so that it meets IDOT standards for
        visibility. Sign guidelines are reproduced in the accompanying data CD.
        The basic premise is way-showing/finding in which there are literally,
        signs that direct you to other signs. The way-finding signs feature the
        new logo with directional arrows, as needed. The plan lays out exactly
        where each sign is to be placed, and has specific guidelines on how the
        signs are printed, how they are to be placed, how high off the ground,
        and what to do in special circumstances such as mounting them to
        existing poles and mounting two or more byways signs on the same
        configuration. Working with local jurisdictions ensures that signage
        placement is appropriate and that it doesn’t detract from historic
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