Page 92 - ISVB
P. 92


        Point 7: Safety and accident record

        Point 7 provides a general review of the Iowa    high within the corporate limits of Belle Plaine,   The least-safe portions of the Byway are the
        Valley Scenic Byway’s safety and accident        Tama, and Marengo, where the Byway follows      segments through Marengo, Belle Plaine,
        record to identify any correctable faults in     heavily-trafficked streets through these towns,   and Tama, where local and commercial traffic
        highway design, maintenance, or operation.       particularly in Belle Plaine. Between the major   leads to increased congestion and accident
        Annual average daily traffic volume data,        population centers, on the rural highways,      risk. High traffic volumes in the Amana
        obtained from the Iowa Department of             traffic volumes are typically between 647 and   Colonies, in part, reflects their popularity as
        Transportation, are summarized as follows.       1,672 vehicles per day.                         tourist and visitor destinations, but also are
                                                                                                         inflated by commuter traffic, particularly from
        Traffic volume is highly variable, ranging from   According to data from the Iowa Department of   the Whirlpool appliance factory in Middle
        647 vehicles per day between Tama and            Transportation for the ten year period 2001–    Amana. Most of the traffic entering the Amana
        Chelsea (14.5 mi), to 4,956 vehicles a day       2010, about 146 vehicle accidents per year      loop, both visitor and commuter, is via U.S.
        on the 16-mile loop that connects six of the     have occurred along the Byway.                  Highway 151, which leads northeast to Cedar
        Amana Colonies. Byway traffic volume is also
                                                                                                         Rapids and south to I-80, and U.S. Highway 6,
                                                                                                         which leads southeast to Iowa City/Coralville.

                            Traffic Volume, Iowa Valley Scenic Byway.

                                                       Annual Daily
                          Segment                                      Mileage
                                                       Traffic Count
                                                                                                       Accidents, 2001–2010.
                       1.  US 30 to Montour                 800           1.5
                       2.  Montour corporate limits         788           0.9                      Severity              Number
                       3.  Montour to Tama                  699           6.5
                       4.  Tama corporate limits           3,805          2.2                      Fatal                       13
                       5.  Tama to Chelsea                  647          14.5                      Major Injury                43
                       6.  Chelsea corporate limits         766           1.0
                       7.  Chelsea to Belle Plaine         1,126          5.1                      Minor Injury               109
                       8.  Belle Plaine corporate limits   3,081          1.9                      Possible or Unknown        119
                       9.  Belle Plaine to Marengo         1,465         13.9
                      10.  Marengo corporate limits        3,101          3.5                      Property Damage Only      1,177
                      11.  Marengo to South Amana          3,363          4.7                      Total Crashes             1,461
                      12.  Marengo to West Amana           1,672          6.6
                      13.  Amana loop                      4,956         15.9
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