Page 90 - ISVB
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                                        To implement the CMP it is crucial to
                                       maintain the grassroots enthusiasm and
                                       support of these Byway stakeholders,
                                       attract new supporters, and engage
                                       their assistance in meaningful ways in
                                        implementing Byway objectives. The
                                        meetings and survey demonstrated that,
                                        while people were favorably inclined
                                        towards the idea of the Byway, few had
                                        participated in the process previously or
                                        understood what it was all about.

                                         Nevertheless, people indicated a
                                         willingness to volunteer for particular
                                         IVSB activities that included: historic
                                         site tours, special events, clean-up and
                                         beautification, school projects, research,
                                         publicity, and grant-writing. Engaging
                                         these individuals in both creating and
                                          implementing worthwhile responsibilities,
                                          keeping them informed, and offering
                                          recognition and gratitude for their efforts
                                          are crucial to the success of the Byway


        In addition to many of the ideas to expand public recognition for the Byway
        as described in Points 3 and 12 of this CMP, this plan recommends the
        following mechanisms to further participation among a variety of “publics.”

        Engage participation

         1.  Establish a subcommittee of the Byway Board or management team
             to establish goals and set priorities for public participation in the IVSB.

         2.  Establish a subcommittee or interest group on site stewardship
             to research and educate about the IVSB’s intrinsic historic and
             archaeological features and monitor sites with the goals of protection,
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