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Corridor area actually lost population (4% The quote above suggests that for this
each) between 2000 and 2009, while Benton Byway, capturing the grassroots enthusiasm
and Iowa counties saw an increase of less and “bloom where you are planted” attitude
than three percent. Only thirteen percent of of local residents, coupled with a general
those who took part in the recent survey were appreciation for the area’s intrinsic qualities,
highly concerned about development and offers a way forward in tackling issues related
only nine percent about an influx of tourists. to development. A recent, local example is
These figures suggest that accommodating the initiative in Tama County led by Tama
opportunities for economic development County Economic Development which
that are compatible with the preservation includes a successful, concerted effort to
of the IVSB’s intrinsic qualities could have have the county designated an “Iowa Great
a welcome, positive effect on the area’s Place,” a program of the Iowa Department
economy. This kind of balance is actually of Cultural Affairs. Such a designation brings
reflected in the response of one individual government resources, including the potential
when asked to relay a success story for the for grant funding, to support development
region: projects that focus on the unique qualities and
characteristics of communities. A recent study
the late 60’s when small town by the University of Arkansas (Gilliam 2009) Purpose of the Iowa Great Places
In businesses were closing seems to demonstrate the economic benefits Initiative
due to big town discount stores and of the Great Places designation in Iowa.
malls, local families bought available reCoMMeNdaTIoNS Iowa Great Places is designed
buildings and started new stores along to bring together the resources
Main Street right beside the older In addition to the strategies for enhancing of state government to build
established businesses. These stores and preserving the IVSB’s intrinsic qualities capacity in communities, regions,
are still flourishing today and are now offered in Point 3 and strategies for marketing neighborhoods or districts to
second, third, and fourth generation presented later in Point 12—many of which cultivate the unique and authentic
family businesses. Success is due relate to economic development—this plan qualities that make these areas
to a positive “bloom-where-you-are- recommends the following set of community- special places to live and work,
planted” attitude, a love of history and based actions related to development. and among the assets on which
determination to save and restore Important partners in this effort are listed in communities will capitalize are the
rather than tear down. Also, focus on Point 4 under the committees for Land Use, arts and culture, historic fabric, built
the arts, alongside the agriculture has and Marketing and Development. environment, natural environment,
also been successful. housing options, retail amenities,
entrepreneurial incentives, business
development, and diversity.