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Document and research 5. Conduct a study to determine the nature 2. Create an “Adopt a Byway Segment”
of and potential economic impact of voluntary stewardship group/
1. Appoint a voluntary design review the Byway’s eco-agri-heritage-tourism subcommittee to educate about the IVSB
board (possibly a subcommittee of the opportunities and their relationship to and monitor various sites with the twin
management team) for planning, design, business (i.e., how many outfitters are goals of protection and preservation.
and review�
there in the area?). Involve local high schools students and
2. Seek the advice and input of interested 6. Conduct a low impact development study� service organizations in such a program.
and vested Byway stakeholders and
Byway subcommittees on Land Use and 7� Combine viewshed information with Educate and promote
Marketing and Development. an assessment of outstanding intrinsic 1. Invite input from individuals and
quality features to provide the design
3. Request advice and technical review board with recommendations organizations who have tackled similar
opportunities assistance from the Silos regarding future land use and problems in other areas of Iowa such as
and Smokestacks National Heritage Area development� Dallas, Hardin, and Jackson counties.
regarding best practices in marketing 2. Host semiannual meetings between the
and economic development. Benefit from Preserve and enhance IVSB Board and partnering organizations
the experience and expertise of SSNHA 1. Host workshops that inform and educate with a vested interest in the Byway and
planning and tourism professionals, local landowners, residents, and new issues related to development�
businesspeople, and preservation businesses about voluntary protective 3. Promote and market these opportunities
measures for IVSB properties including to economic development partners�
4. Apply for a grant to undertake an conservation easements, tax incentives,
economic study of these tourism historic preservation easements, and refereNCeS CITed
opportunities (i.e., Community Cultural design guidelines; as well as regulatory Gilliam, Frank
Grant from the Department of Cultural options such as sensitive areas 2009 Quality of Place and Economic
Affairs; USDA Rural Business Opportunity ordinances and zoning. Development: A Case Study of the Iowa
or Rural Business Enterprise grants). Great Places Program. Arkansas State
University Delta Center for Economic