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3. Present historic archaeological resources from virtually no urban detractions such as Museum, Meskwaki Bingo Casino Hotel,
related to Meskwaki history as part of the billboards, advertising, and superhighways. Belle Plaine Area Museum, and Pioneer
Meskwaki symposium. In addition, the basic rolling landform and the Heritage Museum.
4. Increase public outreach about IVSB varied seasonal land use patterns combine to 2. Identify additional locations from which
archaeology to schools, historical create the Grant Wood-esque essence of this Byway visitors can obtain scenic views
societies, community museums, region. since the last visual assessment study
libraries, and county conservation RECOMMENDATIONS was conducted in 1999.
boards via presentations, resources, and 3. Organize workshops and classes focused
programming during special events such As with the other resources, future on the Byway’s scenic landscapes
as Iowa Archaeology Month sponsored enhancement of scenic quality resources (i.e., seasonal landscape workshops
annually by the Office of the State requires a consortium of landowners, private in mediums such as painting and
Archaeologist, The University of Iowa, organizations, county, municipal, and state photography).
and the Iowa Archeological Society. entities, and some federal agencies including 4. Explore and promote designated
5. Educate the public about the Iowa Burial many already identified in Point 4 as part locations and “pull-off” opportunities for
Law and protection of ancient graves and of a committee on Land Use: Preservation, the casual traveler to enjoy the corridor’s
cemeteries� Conservation, and Recreation. scenic vistas�
6. Include Archaeological Intrinsic Quality In addition to previous
features and archeological stories in recommendations related to the
regular community newspaper columns enhancement of the historic and
and features on local and state public cultural features that contribute
radio� to the scenic quality of the IVSB,
this plan proposes the following
SCeNIC INTrINSIC QUaLITy measures to conserve and
enhance the IVSB’s scenic quality
The scenic quality of the Byway— resources:
landform, water, vegetation, and manmade
development—was selected by recent survey 1. Create additional venues
participants as the most valued feature. This for the dissemination of
confirms that to local residents and visitors knowledge about and
alike, the visual quality of the Byway is indeed, appreciation for the Byway’s
positively memorable. scenic resources in addition
to kiosks and information
Although the nineteenth century landscape available at facilities such as
recorded in the Government Land Office the Iowa Welcome Centers,
Surveys, like most of Iowa, has been altered, Amana Colonies Visitor
particularly by farming, the Corridor benefits Center, Amana Heritage