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identified. Artifact collections in private hands public (including artifact collectors and private Preserve and enhance
and existing information suggest that sites organizations like the Iowa Archeological
representing the entire prehistoric occupation Society) and landowners also have a vested 1. Encourage additional communities within
of Iowa likely exist. Documentary research on interest in such resources. the IVSB corridor to participate in the
major historic migration events including the Certified Local Government program
Mormon passage and the early settlement of In conjunction with these partners and others administered by the State Historical
the Amana Colonies, also hint at the possibility identified in Point 4 within a committee on Society of Iowa and as such undertake
of their archaeological footprints. Research and Historic Preservation, this plan the National Register of Historic Places
recommends: (NRHP) process to identify, evaluate, and
Conservation easements are Document and research register archaeological properties.
a legal tool that allows landowners 2. Working with agencies such as the Iowa
(easement donors) to voluntarily restrict 1. Additional archaeological/cultural Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF),
certain land uses and protect the land resources study (inventories and Office of the State Archaeologist,
for future generations. Once recorded in investigations) on public and private lands State Historical Society and county
the county records office, the easement with permission. conservation boards, to encourage the
becomes part of the property’s chain of 2. Grant-funded support of such research establishment of conservation easements
title and usually goes with the land in from federal programs such as the and to protect archaeological sites,
perpetuity. Nonprofit agencies such as National Trust for Historic Preservation especially those of a sensitive nature
the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation and state programs including the State such as prehistoric burials.
or county conservation boards can Historical Society of Iowa’s Historic 3. Encourage communities to consider
apply for partial funding for farmland Resource Development (HRDP) program, development of a Sensitive Areas
conservation through the Natural Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Ordinance for cultural and natural
Resources Conservation Service through Community Cultural Grants, or the DNR’s resources within the IVSB corridor
which federal funding for the purchase of Resource, Enhancement And Protection working with county Boards of
conservation easements pass. program (REAP). Supervisors and county conservation
RECOMMENDATIONS 3. Corporate and nonprofit funding and boards.
volunteer support from organizations such Educate and promote
This plan suggests a strategy to better as the Iowa Archeological Society, the
recognize, document, and protect Amana Colony Land Use District, and the 1. Invite participation by volunteers on
archaeological resources that includes site Amana Heritage Society. archaeological projects to further educate
recording, interpretation, and awareness 4. Research and prepare interpretive residents about this resource and
(education). Potential partners include most narratives about newly identified or encourage a preservation ethic.
of those identified for the Historic and Cultural recognized archaeological resources, 2. Expand and create new venues for
Intrinsic quality features and especially the such as the Patterson Trading Post site the dissemination of information on
Office of the State Archaeologist and State and the adjacent 1839-1843 Meskwaki archaeological features including audio
Historic Preservation Office. The interested village site. tours, signage, brochures, web sites, and
archaeological field schools.