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11. Maintain the Amana Woolen Mill and ○ Sponsor professional development Tama County Barn Quilts’ tour and the Czech
explore its development as a regional options for IVSB educators that provide Trail tour are introducing visitors to some of
interpretive center for history and culture. content information and resources on these resources.
local historical events and personages
Educate and promote RECOMMENDATIONS
that dovetail with Iowa Core Curriculum
1. Expand and create new venues for the Standards in social studies and literacy. In collaboration with key partners identified in
dissemination of information on historic (i.e. Wacoshashe drawings at the State Point 4 within a committee on Research and
features including audio tours, signage, Historical Society of Iowa; Meskwaki). Historic Preservation, this plan recommends
brochures, and web sites.
CULTUraL INTrINSIC several measures to conserve and enhance
2. Collate and distribute information on QUaLITy the IVSB’s Cultural Intrinsic Qualities:
Century and Heritage Farms in the IVSB
via the Iowa Department of Agriculture The majority of known IVSB Cultural Intrinsic Document and research
and Land Stewardship Program. Quality resources center on a rich set of 1. Create a volunteer subcommittee of the
3. Expand heritage tours of Byway locations customs and traditions at the Amanas and formal Byway Board committee to assist
including pioneer cemeteries and Century the Meskwaki Settlement. These qualities with cultural events.
and Heritage Farms utilizing local are manifest through events, celebrations, 2. Research and prepare (or update)
volunteers� food, music, dance, and craftwork, but are interpretive narratives about newly
also deeply embedded in cultural institutions
4. Offer public presentations that dovetail such as language/dialect, land use patterns, identified or recognized Cultural Resource
historic and natural resources via County seasonal exploitation of natural resources, and Intrinsic Quality features including
Conservation Center programs. customs, games, festivals, celebrations,
religious beliefs and practices. The special
5. Continue to offer presentations on historic festivals, food, and drink offered by the Amana and native personages associated with
resources at libraries, museums, and Colonies National Historic Landmark are well IVSB communities.
historical societies. known locally and nationally through decades
6. Create additional venues for the of directed marketing. The Meskwaki Nation
dissemination of knowledge about local annual powwow and Bingo Casino Hotel,
historic resources to area schools and both open to the general public, currently offer
educational organizations. the most accessible expression of Meskwaki
culture. The recent Meskwaki symposia and
○ Encourage IVSB middle and high
school students/teachers to participate the Meskwaki Museum initiative promise to
in the annual History Day event extend deeper knowledge of Meskwaki history
sponsored by the State Historical and culture beyond the community. The
Society of Iowa utilizing local historical ethnic origins, customs, and traditions of the
events and personages. small, rural communities between these two
anchors, are little known beyond these places
themselves. Several driving tours such as the