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as part of the Byway’s new designation 4. Where appropriate, encourage IVSB WHo Were THe MeSkWakI
as an emerging Silos and Smokestacks communities to consider adopting historic Code TaLkerS?
Heritage Area partner site. preservation ordinances, or, for counties,
3. Develop grant-funded research to historic preservation resolutions. Eight Meskwaki tribal members served
identify additional Historic Intrinsic quality 5. Encourage IVSB communities to as Code Talkers during World War II.
resources in the Byway corridor. participate in downtown rehabilitation Frank Sanache, Willar Sanache, Dewwy
4. Research and prepare new and façade and streetscape improvement Youngbear, Edward Benson, Judy Wayne
revised interpretive narratives about programs via Community Development Wabaunasee, Mike Wayne Wabaunasee,
significant and newly identified or Block grants similar to the Belle Plaine Dewey Roberts, and Mike Twin volunteered
recognized Historic Resource Intrinsic Main Street initiative. as Code Talkers in the African and
Quality features (see CD) particularly 6. Encourage the establishment, where European theaters. On January 17, 2005,
the relationship between the True appropriate, of Historic Preservation the U.S. granted surviving Code Talkers
Inspirationists and the Meskwaki. Easements� or their families military medals for their
services (Bennett 2003; Horton, 2011).
5. Develop other topics for interpretation 7� Evaluate and preserve historic properties
including General Land Office Survey via restoration and rehabilitation
maps/notes, “ghost towns,” pioneer according to the Secretary of the Interior’s
cemeteries, Mormon emigration, Standards for Rehabilitation.
Patterson Trading Post and other historic 8. Identify Traditional Cultural Properties
archaeological sites, Century Farms, within the Corridor, particularly at the
and historic personages such as the Meskwaki Settlement and the Amanas,
Meskwaki Code Talkers. and nominate to the National Register of
Preserve and enhance Historic Places.
9. Sponsor grant-writing workshops for
1. Continue to support the Meskwaki
Museum initiative and the Meskwaki newly formed CLGs, museums, and
symposium� historical societies.
10. Sponsor best practices workshops for
2. Encourage IVSB communities to
participate in the Certified Local local museums and historical societies
Government (CLG) program administered and advise them of available resources
by the State Historical Society of Iowa (i.e. Iowa Museum Association, Campbell
and in the National Register of Historic Center for Historic Preservation Studies)
Places process to identify, evaluate, and to enhance the care, documentation, and
register historic properties. interpretation of their collections, and
create ways for these organizations to
3. Renominate the Lincoln Highway to become more strategic and professional.
National Historic Landmark status.