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3. Develop local oral history projects guided for Historic Preservation), Institute of
by professionals from the State Historical Museums and Library Services.
Society and the Department of Cultural 4. Explore how to enhance and maintain WhAT DOES
Affairs Folk Life program. the Amana Woolen Mill as a regional PREhISTORIC MEAN?
Preserve and enhance interpretive center for history and culture. Prehistoric means the time before
5. Explore how to maintain and enhance the
1. Support Meskwaki cultural efforts written records. The prehistoric
including: Amana Arts Guild. period in Iowa ends with the
○ Meskwaki Museum Educate and promote arrival of the first Europeans
who began to leave written
○ Meskwaki symposium 1. Include Cultural Intrinsic quality features descriptions. This distinction is
○ Meskwaki language preservation in regular community newspaper generally given to Marquette and
program columns, Facebook, and other Jolliet in 1673.
promotional venues�
○ Meskwaki arts and crafts program
2. Encourage integrating additional Cultural
2. Sponsor best-practices workshops for
local museums and historical societies Intrinsic qualities into local festivals and conservation boards, the Meskwaki Tribe,
and advise them of available resources events� the Iowa Department of Natural Resources
(i.e. State Historical Society, Iowa 3. Support Tour Iowa (Economic (IDNR), and the Amana Society Inc. represent
Museum Association, Campbell Center Development) efforts to market and the primary public or corporate caretakers of
for Historic Preservation Studies, Institute promote IVSB cultural events. archaeological properties throughout the IVSB.
for Museums and Library Services) to 4. Expand and create new venues for the
enhance the care, documentation, and dissemination of information on cultural Knowledge about the 736 prehistoric and
interpretation of their cultural collections, features including audio tours, signage, historic archaeological sites currently recorded
and to create ways to become more brochures, and web sites. in the IVSB corridor results primarily from
strategic and professional. archaeological investigations carried out as
3. Sponsor grant-writing workshops for arCHaeoLoGICaL INTrINSIC part of highway surveys. These sites remain
newly formed CLGs, local museums, QUaLITy largely unknown among the public or by the
and historical societies; introduce grant private landowners on whose properties many
options available from organizations such Iowa has a higher proportion of private land exist.
as the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs than most other states. In rural areas such Strung along a major waterway with minimal
(i.e., Community Cultural Grants; Iowa as the IVSB corridor, except for a few public urban development, the IVSB and its environs
Great Places Initiative), State Historical agencies, individuals own over 95 percent of potentially contain significant numbers of
Society (HRDP), Iowa Arts Council, Silos the land (much of it farmland) including the unrecorded sites in addition to the unique
and Smokestacks National Heritage Area, archaeological sites it contains. Currently fish weir, Meskwaki-related sites, and
Save America’s Treasures (National Trust the Benton-Iowa-Poweshiek-Tama county prehistoric earthen burial mounds already