Page 80 - ISVB
P. 80


        Point 4: Schedule and Listing of CMP

        Implementation responsibilities

        The projects and initiatives set forth in        Manager should be hired to act as the           BYWAY MANAGER
         the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway Corridor           coordinator, advocate, and advisor on all
         Management Plan are ambitious and               Byway projects. Other agencies and groups       This CMP calls for appointment of a Byway
         achievable, built upon the grassroots           share implementation responsibilities as well.  Manager. Given the many and diverse projects
         enthusiasm of local stakeholders. To insure                                                     and initiatives set forth in this CMP, their
         the successful implementation of the CMP,      ThE IOWA VALLEY SCENIC BYWAY                     implementation is better suited to an individual
         it must be overseen by a central manager       BOARD                                            manager or management team dedicated to
         who coordinates and administers the many       The Iowa Valley Scenic Byway Board’s primary     pursuing those objectives, in consultation with
         locally based ideas presented herein. The       responsibility is to facilitate and promote the   the Board and other stakeholders. The Byway
         IVSB manager will take the lead on most         appropriate implementation and consistency      Manager will spearhead and manage projects,
         Byway projects, particularly those that cross   in carrying out the goals of this CMP. The      passing along responsibilities to partners
         jurisdictional boundaries.                                                                      where appropriate.
                                                         IVSB Board is comprised of a local cadre of
        This section describes the agency,               people who live or work near the Byway and      ADDITIONAL IMPLEMENTATION
         group, and individual responsibilities          who have personal affection for promoting       TEAM MEMBERS
         in the implementation of the Corridor           opportunities along its route. The Board’s
         Management Plan, the partnerships needed        composition is diverse and is expected to       In addition to the proposed Byway Manager,
         for implementation, enforcement, and            continue to attract members from all walks      who will provide the day-to-day guidance,
         review mechanisms, and a schedule for           of life, from historians to business leaders to   and the IVSB Board, which provides CMP
         the continuing review of how well these         farmers. Core members should include at least   oversight, several agencies, groups, and
         responsibilities are being met.                 one member of the Meskwaki Nation and one       individuals will be responsible for implementing
                                                         person representing Amana Colonies heritage     portions of this plan. To increase and maintain
        IMPLeMeNTaTIoN                                   tourism�                                        public participation, the Byway Manager

        reSPoNSIbILITIeS                                                                                 should host semi-annual meetings with the
                                                        The IVSB Board will remain an important part     partnering organizations and individuals listed
        The Iowa Valley Scenic Byway Board serves        of the CMP implementation process through       in the following section.
         as the interim central management team          semi-annual oversight meetings to evaluate
         for the Byway. For the long haul, a Byway       the effectiveness of this plan.
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