Page 81 - ISVB
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ParTNerSHIPS Needed To partnering committee. In addition, interested Plaine, and Ladora), along with county board
IMPLeMeNT THe CMP local community members and landowners of supervisor members from Benton, Iowa,
unaffiliated with specific groups should always Poweshiek, and Tama counties, should also
In addition to people who implement this CMP be included as potential committee members. serve on one or more of these committees.
as the IVSB manager or as board members,
a variety of other partnerships are needed Members of civic organizations with a Recommended partnering committees foci are
to successfully achieve this CMP’s goals community improvement focus should serve Research and Historic Preservation; Education
and vision. These partnerships include local on one or more committees, depending on and Interpretation; Land Use: Preservation,
government, state agencies, visitor attraction their specific interests. Groups with active Conservation, and Recreation; Marketing and
organizations, and other non-governmental chapters within the Byway corridor include Development; and Transportation.
agencies. American Legion Auxiliary, Ancient Free ● Research and Historic Preservation
and Accepted Masons of Iowa, Association
To best implement the diverse strategies of Lions Clubs International, Delta Kappa ○ City and County Governments
and actions of this CMP, several partnering Gamma Society International, Independent ○ Amana Arts Guild
committees should be formed to best use Order of Odd Fellows, Kiwanis International,
the talents and interests of partnering Knights of Columbus, Optimist International, ○ Amana Church Society
organizations. These partnering committees, Rotary International, and Ruritan National. ○ Amana Colonies Land Use District
and recommended membership organizations, (participating in the Certified Local
are listed below. These are only suggestions; City mayors and city council members of the Government program)
in particular, members of organizations should eight cities within the IVSB corridor (Montour, ○ Amana Heritage Society Archives and
consider being involved in more than one Tama, Toledo, Chelsea, Vining, Elberon, Belle Library