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traditional format� Men and women enter and Tama County, Indian Village Township, and the
sit on opposite sides of the church, and all former town of Musquaka. Many places in and
hymns are sung a cappela. When attending out of the Settlement may go by two names:
church, women’s simple apparel, including one English, one Meskwaki. For example,
cap, shawl, and apron may still be worn as the Iowa River is Ne Ko to si ye or “Single
a sign of honor and humility before the Lord. Backbone River.”
Both German and English services are offered
at Middle Amana, while the Amana Church Amana German or Kolonie-Deutsch is a
building is used on special occasions. distinct dialect of German, similar to that
spoken in the German province of Hesse. One
Many of the Catholic churches along other major difference in the Amana dialect is that
parts of the Byway were established by Czech it is archaic—similar to language spoken 150
or Irish immigrants. There is one Norwegian years ago. Today, Kolonie-Deutsch is mainly
Lutheran Church in the Corridor. Most of these spoken by older Amana Colony residents.
churches have associated burial grounds.
There are many ethnic-affiliated pioneer Place names in the Amanas have direct
cemeteries in the Corridor where the church is cultural connections to the Germans,
no longer standing. beginning with Amana—a biblical term that
means “remain true.” Nearly every location
SPEECh AND PLACE NAMES in the Amanas is known by two names: one
English and one German. These include the
The Meskwaki language is still spoken today. schulwäld (children’s pine grove), eishaus (ice
Until about 1960, Meskwaki was the first house), Katze buckel (Cat’s Back Hill), and the
language of persons born on the Settlement, Injedamm (Indian dam or fishing weir).
RELIGION, RITUALS, AND CUSTOMS with English learned at school. Language
proficiency among the young has been on Even more specifically, many Amana Colony
Traditional Meskwaki religion is very much buildings are known by a specific family name.
alive on the Settlement, and includes the decline since that time, but now, nearly all For example, most villages contain several
ceremonies, rituals, and customs associated students at the Meskwaki Settlement School kitchen houses (Küchehausen), each with
with clan medicine bundles and with life participate in the Meskwaki Language and a different name. In High Amana, the four
events, such as naming and adoption. Apart Culture Program. Many public events on the buildings are Haldy’s Küche, Hetz’ Küche,
from publicly performed dances and songs Settlement include a greeting and sometimes, Geiger’s Küche, and Pitz’ Küche.
that may have spiritual roots, Meskwaki a briefing, in Meskwaki, followed by an English
religion and ceremonies usually are private. translation� VERNACULAR ARChITECTURE AND
Meskwaki-related place names along the LAND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES
The Amana Church Society has an active
membership. The public is welcome at Corridor reflect the tribe’s cultural importance Meskwaki Settlement land management
services, which follow a slightly modified to the area, and include Poweshiek County, practices are rooted in tradition. To the