Page 32 - ISVB
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        HISTorIC INTrINSIC QUaLITy                       communal kitchen, washhouse, and wood           MUSEUMS
                                                         shed, but is considered one resource.
        Historic intrinsic quality resources are legacies   Similarly, the many buildings of the Amana   Corridor museums provide the traveler with
        of the past that are distinctly associated with   Woolen Mill or one of the seven Amana          the Byway’s contexts, melding the cultural and
        physical elements of the landscape, whether      village farm complexes were each deemed an      historic intrinsic qualities at a single location.
        natural or manmade, and that are of such         individual resource�                            There are two primary locations of Meskwaki
        historic significance that they educate the                                                      museum information, one, a large, well-
        viewer and stir an appreciation for the past.   The most obvious historic resources on the       planned exhibit space in the entrance to the
        The historic elements reflect the actions of     Byway are the original land holdings of the     Meskwaki Bingo Casino Hotel. The second,
        people and may include buildings, settlement     Amana and Meskwaki peoples, preserved           the Meskwaki History Museum, opened in
        patterns, and other examples of human            today as, respectively, a National Historic     June 2011.
        activity. Historic features can be inventoried,   Landmark and a tribal settlement. Within the
        mapped, and interpreted. They possess            Amana Colonies, well-maintained standing        Amana Colony museums are situated all
        integrity of location, design, setting, material,   structures and buildings reflect historical   along the east end of the Byway. Several local
        workmanship, feeling, and association.           development, with barns and other agricultural   history museums are situated in between the
        Historic resources may relate to specific        buildings clustered along the edge of each of   Settlement and the Amanas. Many museums
        events, to broad themes, or to an evolving       the seven villages.                             are housed in culturally and historically
        historical story that links events over time.                                                    important buildings, including the Meskwaki
                                                        Museums, churches and cemeteries,                Museum, the Tama County Historical Museum,
        The Iowa Valley Scenic Byway’s historic story    other buildings and structures, vegetation,     and all of the Amana Colonies museums.
        links the Amana Colonies and the Meskwaki        research centers, transportation-related
        Settlement on its two ends, with related         resources, and markers and monuments are
        historic points in between. The Iowa Valley      discussed herein. In some cases, only the
        Scenic Byway’s historic resources number at      more recognizable of these is discussed,
        least 740, with 470 related to the Amanas and    with additional information available on an
        the other 270 to other areas of the Byway.       accompanying data CD.

        The historic resources’ count is an
        underrepresentation: at least 750 standing
        buildings or structures have been documented
        in the Amanas in association with the
        communal period. For the purposes of this
        Corridor Management Plan, buildings at
        a single street address or those forming a
        building complex were grouped into a single
        Historic Intrinsic Quality resource. A street
        address may include a communal residence,
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