Page 14 - QuakerMillDam
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Why was the Dam Unique?                                conducted in June and July 2017. The results of the survey
                                                               are summarized in the table below.

        The  Quaker  Mill Dam exhibited  several features  that were  It was found that, as of July 2017, only three other extant
        unusual. These include the hollow construction with interior  dams in Iowa had large concrete fishways. A fourth fishway,
        chambers; the monumental concrete fishway; and the sin-  located on the Iowa River Power Company Dam in Johnson
        gle Tainter gate with manually operated hoist. No compre-  County, was smaller and narrower than the others, so it did
        hensive surveys of dams in Iowa have been conducted that  not qualify as a monumental fishway, but it was the only oth-
        identify the number of dams in the state that exhibit each of  er intact fishway observed during the field survey. All of the
        these features, but the combination was unusual, and pos-  fishways for which a type could be determined were of the
        sibly unique in the state. To demonstrate the distinctiveness  Swazy type.
        of the Quaker Mill Dam, an attempt was made to identify all
        extant dams in Iowa with similar features. Dams with hollow  Tainter gates were found to be slightly more common than
        construction cannot be identified readily based on their ex-  concrete fishways on Iowa dams. Seven extant dams were
        terior appearance, so the investigation was limited to dams  found that exhibit  this  feature, although  all have multiple
        with  large  concrete  fishways  and  Tainter  gates.  The  num-  gates rather than the single gate on the Quaker Mill Dam.
        ber of dams with hollow construction is not known, but only  Only two—the Iowa Falls Dam and Lakehurst Dam—are
        one other dam in Iowa—the Mitchell Mill Dam built in 1925  similar to the Quaker Mill Dam in that they feature both a
        in Mitchell, Mitchell County—is described in the records of  concrete fishway and one or more Tainter gates. The Mar-
        Iowa’s  State  Historic  Preservation  Office  as  having  hollow  ket Street Dam in Ottumwa has a total of nine Tainter gates,
        construction like the Quaker Mill Dam. 27              including one separated from the others on the north side
                                                               of the powerhouse, as well as one bascule gate. In all cas-
        The table below lists all extant dams in Iowa known to re-  es, the Tainter gates are powered by electricity rather than
        tain a concrete fishway or Tainter gate as of July 2017. The  manually powered. The majority employ moveable hoists on
        list is based on a comprehensive survey of lowhead dams  rails, although two dams—Rutland Dam and Market Street
        in  Iowa compiled  by the  Iowa Department  of Natural Re-  Dam in Ottumwa—appear to have one stationary hoist per
        sources  (DNR) in 2010. Dams included in the DNR list that  gate. Another dam that formerly had Tainter gates—the Fort
        were sufficiently large to be comparable to the Quaker Mill  Dodge Hydro Dam in Fort Dodge, Webster County—report-
        Dam were investigated further through aerial photographs  edly  had  a backup  manual hoist. The  Tainter  gates  and
        and street-level photographs available online to determine  hoists from the Fort Dodge dam have been removed since
        which were known or likely to have either a large concrete  the time it was recorded. The Quaker Mill Dam therefore ap-
        fishway or floodgate. As a result of this survey, a total of 24  pears to have been unique in Iowa both for its small number
        dams were identified as likely to have features comparable to  of Tainter gates (one rather than multiple) and for its use of
        the Quaker Mill Dam. On-site visits to 23 of these dams were  an exclusively hand-powered hoist.

                           Iowa Dams Sharing Notable Features with

                                                Quaker Mill Dam

            Name                          River              Location            County      Feature(s)
            Center Street Dam             Cedar River        Cedar Falls         Black Hawk  4 Tainter gates
            Independence Mill Dam         Wapsipinicon River  Independence       Buchanan    large concrete fishway
            Iowa Falls Dam                Iowa River         Iowa Falls          Hardin      large concrete fishway;
                                                             (southeast side)                3 Tainter gates
            Iowa River Power Company Dam  Iowa River         Coralville          Johnson     small concrete fishway
            Lakehurst Dam                 Maquoketa River    Maquoketa           Jackson     large concrete fishway;
                                                             (1 mile west)                   6 Tainter gates
            Market Street Dam             Des Moines River   Ottumwa             Wapello     9 Tainter gates
            Mitchell Mill Dam             Cedar River        Mitchell            Mitchell    2 Tainter gates
            Red Rock Reservoir Dam        Des Moines River   Pella               Marion      5 Tainter gates
                                                             (1.5 miles southwest)
            Rutland Dam                   [West Fork] Des    Rutland             Humboldt    2 Tainter gates
                                          Moines River

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