Page 36 - ImmenseJourney
P. 36

The memories and stories told among the various            inside. As each boy took                              tribes, its outcome illustrates the tangible reality of
tribes recall times from their collective past. Living as  his turn, he gave a silent                            the incident to the people involved. Upon returning
a tribe, both as hunters moving about on the Plains        cry and fled the area im-                             to the safety of his home, my father told no one of his
during the summer and as settled people living in          mediately.                                            escapade. The next day, however, one of the village
the earth lodge dwellings during the winter, memo-                                                               leaders came to visit his grandparents who raised
ries would be relayed in stories, legends, and myths.      Being the last and now                                him. They were told what had happened and then
Certainly, the ability to build an earth lodge dwelling    only boy to take his turn
would be a skill that was most necessary and passed        at the peephole, my fa-
along from generation to generation.                       ther wondered what was
                                                           so scary as to frighten his
Constructing an earth lodge remained a skill well          playmates away. Peering
into the early 1900s, long after the Umonhon were          into the earth lodge, at
firmly settled within the land base strictly prescribed    first he saw only a small
in the last treaty of 1854. By this time, all tribal       fire in the middle of the
people lived in houses built upon their allotted lands     lodge. After his eyes
and scattered throughout the reservation. Gone for-        adjusted, he said he was
ever were the summer buffalo hunts, tipi, and earth        staring directly into the
lodge living.                                              eyes of a grizzly bear!
                                                           The bear was standing
The writer’s father, who was born in 1909, however,        upright and “dancing” to
tells a story involving an earth lodge. Despite no         and fro when it turned
longer living in them, they appear to have been built      toward the peephole and
for other purposes. In this particular instance, the       stared directly back at
earth lodge was used by various medicine men or            my father. Of course, he
shamans, in which to practice their skills.                now understood that this
                                                           is what had frightened
My father said he was about eight years old when           his playmates and sent
he and two playmates watched one of the medicine           them scurrying away so
men enter a nearby earth lodge. Becoming curious,          suddenly, and he followed suit. After all, they had
even knowing who the man was, the young boys               seen a man enter the lodge and now in his place was
decided to spy upon his activities. The boys crept         a bear!
silently up to the lodge and found a small crack in
the outer wall. Digging as silently as they could, they    Although this story sounds incredible and echoes the
created a small peephole that allowed them to see          shape-shifting stories among most American Indian

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