Page 35 - ImmenseJourney
P. 35

Left. Historic                                            was when they could literally choose their neighbors.
                                                          Pawnee earth                                              Choosing one’s neighbor also extended to the earth
                                                          lodge village of                                          lodge dwelling itself, whose residents included at
                                                          1871. Below.                                              least one nuclear family, perhaps grandparents from
                                                          Detail of Pawnee                                          both sides of the house, and a favorite cousin, uncle,
                                                          earth lodge.                                              or aunt. Living arrangements would be close but not
                                                                                                                    necessarily cramped. Because it was by choice, get-
                                                                                                                    ting along with one another was probably easier than
                                                                                                                    the formal lifestyle of tipi dwelling while on the hunt.

augmenting that diet from time to time with other         earth lodges were more permanent, they were used          Generally, within the tribe itself, usage of certain
fresh game, fish from the rivers, and wild fowl. Alto-    primarily during the cold winter months. During           areas was never contested. If a family or groups of
gether, the diet of the early buffalo-hunting Umon-       this time, families, relatives, and, perhaps, even        people left vacant the area they had occupied a year
hon appears to be rather balanced.                        close friends tended to gather in various areas to        earlier, then others would come and simply take it
                                                          live in close proximity to one another. In the earth      over. It was the same with the women’s garden plots.
This annual economic cycle exemplifies the dual           lodge configuration, the entrance to the dwellings        Year after year, if a woman used a certain plot of land
nature of the tribal life way which was both seden-       could face any direction. That is, the location of the    as the garden for her family, then it was considered
tary and on the move pursuing the buffalo herds. The      entrance was not dictated by the strict formality dur-    hers. If it appeared that she had abandoned it, then it
Umonhon People developed very sophisticated forms         ing the summer hunt which required the entrance to        was taken and used by others.
of social and political structures in order to maintain   the tipi dwelling to face east. And, unlike tipi living,
their survival as a tribe. As such, each year they lived  more than one nuclear family could live in an earth       During times of peace without consideration for
in a strict formal manner during the buffalo hunt and     lodge.                                                    defense, earth lodge dwellings could be built in
in a more relaxed, informal manner shortly there                                                                    favorite areas where other smaller game was plentiful
after.                                                                                                              and water was readily available—despite its hav-
                                                                                                                    ing to be hauled. It would be the opposite during
It was as part of this more informal manner that the      It was during this time that the tribe broke into small-  times of inter-tribal warfare when fortification was a
earth lodge dwelling plays a dominant role. Because       er social groups of family, relatives, and friends. This  definite consideration. At times when life was very
                                                                                                                    dangerous, uncertain, unpredictable, and unforgiv-
                                                                                                                    ing, protection of the family was paramount. The
                                                                                                                    building of a lodge would have fallen upon the male
                                                                                                                    members of the families living in the lodges. Again,
                                                                                                                    unlike tipi dwelling, where the tipi and everything in
                                                                                                                    it belonged to the women of the tribe, the earth lodge
                                                                                                                    dwelling was the construction domain of the men.

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