Page 34 - DairyOnThePrairie
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32 Dairy on the Prairie

1846 Iowa becomes a state; farm women produce            1878 The last, new cheese factory opens in Jones         1895 Commercial pasteurization machines intro-
         butter and cheese for home consumption and               County. The greatest number open during any              duced.
         sell surplus to local merchants.                         one year was about eight Jones County cheese
                                                                  factories.                                      1911 Butter sculpture promotion sponsored by Beat-
1858 Large-scale home production of cheese is men-                                                                         rice Creamery Company becomes an Iowa
         tioned in northeast Iowan newspapers; surplus   1879 The butter from the separate creameries of Stew-             State Fair fixture.
         sold to merchants.                                       art and Sherman sweep all four top creamery
                                                                  butter awards at the International Dairy Fair   1936 Innovative milking parlor added to the ISU
1862 Butter dealers begin collecting home-made but-               in New York.                                             College Dairy Farm was among the first in the
         ter from farm wives and selling it on contract                                                                    state.
         to Eastern buyers.                              1880 A few local creameries in the area begin to op-
                                                                  erate year-round, due to the addition of ensi-  1940s-1950s ISU Dairy introduces use of artificial
1863 Asa C. Bowen of Jones County sells four tons of              lage (green fodder) to cows' diets.                      insemination in cows in 1945, installs a bulk
         his home-made cheese to his brothers' store in                                                                    tank in 1955, and installs a glass pipeline in
         Chicago.                                        1882 A cream separator is first used in Iowa, at the              1956.
        Henry D. Sherman becomes a Jones County                   Fredsville Creamery in Grundy County.
         butter dealer.                                                                                           1950s-1960s Cooperative creameries begin consol-
                                                         1884 Sherman sells his share of the Diamond Cream-                idating into larger creameries, while the but-
1864 Asa C. Bowen begins to receive milk from                     ery to a Boston firm.                                    ter industry began a steady decline. Change
         neighboring farmers to process into cheese—             The Iowa Butter Exchange opens, providing                 from farm-separated cream to whole milk de-
         probably the first cheese factory in Iowa.               Eastern buyers with a convenience locale to              livered to dairy plants in bulk tanks trucks
                                                                  purchase butter on contract.                             becomes common practice. Cured cheese man-
1866 Other cheese factories open locally.                                                                                  ufacturing industry expands in Iowa.
                                                         1885 Only one cheese factory remains in operation
1870 C.C. Walworth of Monticello becomes the first                in Jones County.                                late 1990s Northeast Iowa loses 18 dairy plants.
         Holstein breeder in Iowa.
                                                         1886 Sherman appointed the first Dairy Commission-       2000 Dairy laboratory sponsored by the Northeast
1872 John Stewart opens the first creamery in Iowa:               er of Iowa.                                              Iowa Community-Based Dairy Foundation,
         the Spring Branch Creamery in Delaware                                                                            North Iowa Community College, and ISU built
         County.                                         1887 Diamond Creameries holds an interest in 27                   near Calmar, Iowa. Value added strategies
                                                                  creameries.                                              help to grow the state's dairy industry in the
1876 John Stewart wins the International Award for                                                                         first years of the 21st century.
         the best butter at the Philadelphia Centennial  1890 The Babcock Centrifugal Test is released to the
         Exposition.                                              dairying world, providing a quick, accurate     2003 ISU campus dairy closed in 2003 due to cutbacks
        Henry D. Sherman opens the Diamond Cream-                 butterfat measuring method.                              in state funding.
         ery in Monticello, Jones County.                        The Meat Inspection Act passes, paving the way
                                                                  for sanitation inspections of diary farms and
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