Page 10 - RAGBRAI2008
P. 10

day 5 - tama/toledo to north liberty

The home and trading         Woodpecker Cave (site 13JH202) is
post of the first known      actually a rock overhang nestled in the
Euro-American settler        valley of a small stream flowing into
in Johnson County is         the larger Iowa River, a place that
still preserved, 173         provided shelter as well as access to a
years after he built it.     wide variety of resources. The site was
John Gilbert’s Trading       found when archaeologists were
Post to the Meskwakis        looking for sites that might be flooded
may not be standing,         by the creation of the Coralville
but it is still in evidence  Reservoir in the late 1950s. In the top
as archaeological site       layer, archaeologists recovered 40 stone
13JH775, which lies          tools, pottery, and bone tools, as well as
partially in timber and      shell and bone remains of animals used
partly in a cultivated       for food. The pottery found was similar
field. Although only         to that found at Effigy Mound sites,
four test units,             suggesting that the site may also be of
measuring about 3 by 6       similar age, over 1000 years old. A
feet total, have been        second deeper layer had tools that must
excavated there, 10,024      have been even older. The materials
artifacts were found!        found during excavation are now
These include beads,
bone buttons, gun parts,                                       housed at the
animal bones, and                                              Smithsonian
broken bottles.                                                in

Of the 18 counties that      Woodpecker
the 2008 route passes        Cave, North
through, Johnson
County, in east-central         Liberty
Iowa, has the greatest
number of recorded
sites, currently at 1253.

Artifacts from the
Aicher Mound group in
Johnson County
represent the oldest
collection in the State
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