Page 13 - RAGBRAI2008
P. 13
day 7 - tipton to le claire
“The Mississippi Valley: Native American Homeland from the
time of the Glaciers to the Black Hawk War”
Ferrel Anderson, The Mississippi Valley
President of the
Quad Cities archaeological earliest settlers that
Archaeological excavations of 2,000 give us a more
Society and lifelong year old landmarks complete picture of
resident of the such as the Cook how these people
Mississippi Valley, Mound Group which lived and how they
will paint a picture revealed the exotic coped with the tidal
with a slide program materials and wave of American
of human life in the artifacts typical of a settlement.
great valley from the culture named the
earliest times to the Hopewell that is still Presenter: Ferrel
tragic end of Native an enigma today. Anderson, President
American presence We will end the saga of the Quad Cities
with the Black Hawk with the excavations Archaeological
War of 1832. Scott of a Sauk Indian Society
County in Iowa and village site that was When: 2:00pm,
its neighbor across occupied from 1790- Saturday, July 26th
the Mississippi in 1810 and with Where: Le Claire
Illinois, Rock Island historical accounts by Community Library,
County, were the the military and the 323 Wisconsin Street
center stage for
Indian settlement
and life throughout
this period, and
contain many
their presence. Enjoy
the adventure of the
finding 13,000 year
old Clovis spear
points of the Paleo
people who hunted
the mammoth, to the
The Rummells-Maske site in Cedar
County, contained a cache of stone spear
points (Clovis style) dating to the end of
the Ice Age, more than 10,000 years ago.