Page 28 - ImmenseJourney
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Historic Gateway

                                                                                    Lewis and Clark Trail. Today the                                                     Pirate wreck            
                                                                                    Byway offers some of the same
                                                                                    sights and scenes, relatively un-                                     Pappillon r.                              MusquitcoaRmivp.s.
                                                                                    changed, first witnessed by the                                                 Tombs.
                                                                                    famous party in 1804. Sergeant                                                                                           6
                                                                                    Charles Floyd, the only fatality                                      Horse Tail Flags.
                                                                                    of the Corps of Discovery, lies       Otto                                    Platte River.dry wood.
                                                                                    buried on a bluff in the Loess      Platte River.
                                                                                    Hills in today’s Sioux City, Iowa.                 Village.
                                                                                    In 1960 a monument erected
                                                                                    near his burial place became                                                                                                             Lodges.
                                                                                    the first declared U.S. National
                                                                                    Historic Landmark.                  Missourians Village                            Medecine                            Timbered Bottom.           Bottom prairie.
                                                                                    A few decades after the Corps                                  Tents
                                                                                    of Discovery expedition,            bags
                                                                                    westward expansion ushered in
                                                                                    waves of missionaries, trad-                                                                                    In. Lodges                                         Potawatomie Land.
                                                                                    ers, artists, and settlers, some
                                                                                    of whom left behind maps and                                           creek                           3 Iland         5 barrel creek
                                                         drawings of Euroamerican and Native Indian settle-                                                 creek
                                                         ments. One such document was an astonishing 1839                                                 creek                                          In. Lodges.
                                                         map of the Missouri River prepared by Father Pierre-
                                                         Jean De Smet.                                                                                                                     5 Barrel Iland

  Imagine a great number of cabins and tents, made                                                                                                                               2d Iland  1st Iland
  of the bark of trees, buffalo skins, coarse cloth,
  rushes and sods, all of a mournful and funeral                                                                                                          washington[?] creek
  aspect, of all sizes and shapes, some supported by
  one pole, others having six, and with the covering     Born in Belgium in 1801, De Smet immigrated to the             Potawatomi who had recently been removed to the
  stretched in all the different styles imaginable, and  U.S. in 1821 and began                                         Council Bluffs area. The priests of St. Joseph’s took
  all scattered here and there in the greatest confu-    his work as a Jesuit mis-                                      over the abandoned Council Bluffs blockhouse, a
  sion, and you will have an Indian village. (Father     sionary first in Maryland                                      small military post constructed earlier in the year by
  Pierre-Jean De Smet quoted in The Life of Father       and later in Florissant                                        the U.S. government to protect the Potawatomi from
  De Smet, 1915:83 by E. Laveille)                       near St. Louis, Missouri.                                      rival tribes. De Smet served at St. Joseph’s for less
                                                         In 1838 he helped                                              than two years before transferring in 1840 to what is
Dipping and curling along the western edge of            found St. Joseph’s Mis-                                        now Montana to work with the Sioux and Flatheads.
       Iowa, the Loess Hills National Scenic Byway       sion built to serve the
follows the Missouri River north paralleling the

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