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        Various other grant programs are available to roads of this caliber. Grants can be used to
        responsibly develop or promote various aspects of the Byway experience, including creation or
        improvement of interpretive facilities, trails, and restrooms.

        HoW To USe THIS CorrIdor MaNaGeMeNT PLaN

        This CMP is a guidebook that explains how to implement the publicly derived goals of the Iowa
        Valley Scenic Byway. Use of the CMP recommendations will enhance residents’ and business
        people’s quality of life, while making the visitor experience safer and more enjoyable. This CMP
        is a document in flux, with its goals meant for alteration as local needs and priorities change.
        As such, this plan should be updated as needed, with a thorough revision undertaken in
        approximately a decade.

        The approach taken toward implementing projects in this plan will vary according to community
        enthusiasm, funding availability, project type, and local priority level.
        This printed document is Volume I of the Iowa Valley Scenic Byway (IVSB) Corridor
        Management Plan. Within it are the 14 Federal Points required for National Scenic Byway
        designation. The 14 points include maps (Point 1, but also found throughout the document);
        intrinsic quality assessment and plans for the intrinsic quality resources (2 –3); an explanation
             of who is responsible for implementing recommendations in this CMP (4); plans for
                   public participation (6); safe commerce (8); intrusion minimization (9); signage
                         (11); marketing (12); and interpretation (14); and discussions of development
                               enhancement (5); road safety (7); outdoor advertising (10); and design
                                     standards (13). Volume II is available on CD, and includes
                                           supporting information in appendix format.

                                                    The CMP’s heart is its management strategies,
                                                          meant to guide the Byway’s development
                                                                and interpretation while preserving
                                                                      and enhancing its important
                                                                            resources and the needs
                                                                                  of local residents
                                                                                        and business
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13