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camping is offered at Pilgrim Heights Camp Millstream Brewing Company, Fireside Winery,
and Retreat Center, west of Tama. Members- and the John Ernest Vineyard and Winery.
only camping is available at the Tama OHV There are a plethora of local festivals with
Park Campground and the Ridge Riders outdoor activities—if related to a specific
Saddle Club, both of which welcome new ethnic group, they were discussed in the
members. Cultural Intrinsic Quality section. The sidebar
lists other festivals with outdoor recreation
Orienteering components�
The Amana Heritage Museum offers a GPS- Golfing
based adventure especially tailored to make
learning fun for kids, either with their own GPS World class golf may be found at the Amana
unit or one borrowed from the museum. Geo- Colonies Golf Course in Middle Amana. This
caching opportunities are available across the course has won numerous awards, including
Byway. A search on revealed multiple years as Iowa’s Top Public Golf
61 caches or cache courses within 10 miles Course, a 4-Star rating by Golf Digest and 4½
of Amana, 42 within five miles of Marengo, Stars from Golf Magazine. The Tama-Toledo
and 13 geocaches within five miles of Tama. Country Club has a 18-hole course, while
A “Geocaching 101” class has been offered 9-hole courses are found at the Marengo Golf
recently at Marengo’s Gateway Park. Course and the Belle Plaine Country Club.
Outdoor activity classes Wine and beer tasting
The Benton, Iowa, Poweshiek, and Tama The Amana winemaking heritage, with
county conservation departments and some unique local flavors such as dandelion and
private organizations offer a variety of outdoor rhubarb, was discussed in the Cultural
learning experiences for all age groups. Past Intrinsic Qualities section. Most of the nine
courses have included orienteering, camping, IVSB corridor wineries offer tastings, tours,
outdoor cooking, composting, fire ecology, and dinner or food pairings, along with other
and fire starting, along with a wide variety of events. One, the John Ernest Vineyard and
children’s learning activities. Some outdoor Winery, also provides vineyard tours. The
courses related to artistic pursuits are offered other wineries include Ackerman Winery, Ehrle
by the Amana Arts Guild. Brothers Winery, Fireside Winery, Heritage
Winery, Sandstone Winery, and the Village
Outdoor concert-going and festivals Winery. The Amana Wine Walking tour is
Outdoor concerts are offered at several an Amana Heritage Society guided tour.
venues across the Corridor, including Millstream Brewing Company in Amana offers