Page 54 - ISVB
P. 54
Hunting Fishing
Deer, turkey, pheasant, waterfowl, squirrel, Common fish caught in the Iowa River
rabbit, and other small mammals are the most and surrounding lakes include large and
commonly hunted animals along the IVSB. smallmouth bass, catfish, walleye, perch, and
Exact hunting numbers within the Byway crappie. In addition to the fine river fishing,
Corridor are not known. However, most of lakes include Cherry Lake, Hannen Lake, the
the public hunting lands in Iowa County are Lily Lake, Lion’s Park Oxbow, and Pilgrim
found within the Corridor. Deer harvest for the Heights Lake, and unnamed smaller ponds
county’s 2009–2010 season was 1,931 total or at Otter Creek Marsh WMA, the Highway
3.31 per square mile. Some areas along the 21 Access WMA, Randolph Access WMA,
Corridor permit trapping. and two quarry ponds at Gateway Park and
Preserve in Marengo. Several of these lakes
Publicly accessible hunting lands are found are stocked and many are suitable for ice
at all area Wildlife Management Areas fishing.
(WMAs) and at many county conservation
areas. Dreesman Buffalo Ranch offers a Boating, canoeing, and kayaking
unique private hunting experience with prior
reservations: hunting a bison bull. They also The Iowa River Canoe Trail extends 82 river
offer private deer and turkey hunting. Northstar miles from Montour to the Amanas, with 11
Gameland Hunting Preserve provides the river access points. In addition to the river,
opportunity to hunt trophy deer, elk, bison, many ponds and the 6.5-mile-long Amana
wild boar, mouflon, Spanish goats, Texas doll Millrace may be canoed or kayaked. Most
sheep, and Hawaiian rams. BarSun Prairie of the lakes have motor restrictions. There
offers leased hunting, mainly for deer and are presently two unmarked dams along the
pheasant. river, one 3/8-mile upstream from the E49
bridge and the second is located at the Amana