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              Highway Bridge Festival, the Renaissance        Traditional German fare is offered at           There are nine wineries or vineyards scattered
              Festival, the Czech Dinner and Festival, and    restaurants and events and is privately         across the Byway corridor, with several of
              the Cajun and Zydeco Festival. Several of       prepared across the Amanas. In restaurants      these based on traditional Amana Colony
              these do not have their roots in local cultural   and in communal meal tours, many of these     wineries housed within former communal
              groups, and are mentioned as Recreational       are served “family style,” where large bowls    buildings. Unusual wine varieties are made,
              Resources�                                      and platters of food are set on the table for   including dandelion and rhubarb, along with
                                                              all to enjoy. There are literally cookbooks     more traditional Concord grape wines. Beer
              fOOD AND DRINk                                  full of Amana Colony recipes, many of           was an important part of the Amana Colonies

              The Meskwaki Settlement community enjoys        which are still enjoyed today. Some of these    heritage, and one brewery continues that
              a variety of traditional foods, some of which   foods include nonnenkuchen (nun’s cake),        tradition in Amana.
              are available at Meskwaki powwows and other     gekochtehasen (stewed rabbit), klosselsuppe     Outside of the anchor communities, Czech
              public events. These include stews, milkweed    (dumpling soup), sauerbraten, and nudeln        heritage is reflected at festivals and events in
              soup, frybread, Indian tacos, and dishes        (noodles), along with more exotic-sounding      Belle Plaine, Chelsea, and Vining, including
              made with bison or wild fish and game. For      foods, like pfannkuchensuppe (pancake soup),    food offerings of rohlicky, goulash, and
              many Meskwaki, small garden plots are still     schwartenwurst (pork rind sausage), and mehl    kolaches.
              important and many men continue to hunt and     (flour) pudding.
              trap. Some people utilize wild foods, such as
              berries, nettles, wild onion, chokecherry, roots,
              and herbs, in their diets, in medicine, and for
              spiritual purposes�
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