Page 24 - DairyOnThePrairie
P. 24

22 Dairy on the Prairie                                 HENRY D. SHERMAN

  John Stewart won the International                       The first creamery in Jones County, the H. D. Sher-       Building plans for the
             first prize for his creamery butter        man and Company Diamond Creamery, opened for              years 1888 and 1894 of
          at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in          business in 1876 in Monticello, four years after John     the Diamond Creamery
          Philadelphia. He and other northeast          Stewart opened the first Iowa creamery. Henry D.          Co., Monticello, Iowa.81
          Iowa dairymen subsequently won                Sherman is perhaps the best known early dairyman
          numerous other prizes for their high          in Jones County. Sherman was initially a schoolteach-     man's company differed from other local creameries
          quality butter:75                             er, born in Indiana, who arrived in Jones County in       in another respect. The Diamond Creamery, starting
                                                        1859.                                                     in the late 1870s, tried to pay patrons based on the
             "THE N. Y. TRIBUNE EXCLAIMED, WHY,                                                                   quality of their milk. At that time, quality (butterfat)
                                                           Sherman began his commercial dairy venture in          measures were far from precise. Sherman had seri-
          WHAT DOES THIS MEAN, THAT IOWA SHOULD         1863 as a butter buyer, shipping the locally-homemade     ous difficulties convincing his patrons that milk grad-
          TAKE THE FIRST PREMIUM AT THE WORLD'S FAIR?   product to Chicago. The butter tubs were marked with      ing was fair.82 Not until the Babcock centrifugal test,
          THAT BUTTER WHICH HAS BEEN SO LONG REPORT-    a "diamond" symbol. Simpson, Mclntyre and Com-            introduced in 1890, was a truly reliable and quick
                                                        pany of Boston sampled some of the Diamond butter         method of milk fat testing found.
         ED AS WESTERN GREASE, SHOULD TAKE THE PRE-     in Chicago and visited Monticello to meet with Sher-
                                                        man. Soon, the company began purchasing most of              Most of the old cheese factories in Jones County
          MIUM AS THE BEST BUTTER OF THE WORLD HOW      his product and would continue to do so for many          were no longer producing cheese by 1880. Butter fac-
          CAN IT BE POSSIBLE? THERE MUST BE FRAUD. THE  years.77                                                  tories increased in number, although by that date har-
          COMMITTEE HAVE BEEN BRIBED. W H Y , PEOPLE                                                              bingers of big-business consolidation were appearing.
          OF N E W YORK, WAKE UP! T O WHOM IS AWARD-       In 1876, the Diamond Creamery opened in Monti-         The largest creamery organization in the county, the
                                                        cello. In its first year of operation, the creamery pro-  Diamond Creamery, had begun to acquire numerous
         ED THE RED RIBBON THIS TIME? JOHN STEWART,     cessed "over one million pounds of milk," with a          smaller operators. Generally, the Diamond Creamery
         DELAWARE COUNTY, IOWA—WESTERN                  capacity of 10,000 pounds of milk per day, using a 60-    purchased these operations and converted them to
         STATES—1879"76                                 gallon box churn. Only one year after opening the         skim stations. Occasionally, the company purchased
                                                        Diamond Creamery in Monticello, Sherman broke             a small creamery, and immediately shut down the op-
                                                        ground on another creamery, this one in Wayne             eration, as was the case with the Hall Creamery in
                                                        Township.78                                               Langworthy.83 Thus, dairy farmers often had just a
                                                                                                                  single place to market their milk unless they wished
                                                           In 1879, Henry Sherman and John Stewart pulled
                                                        off an astounding feat: between the two men, Iowa
                                                        made a clean sweep of all the top creamery butter priz-
                                                        es at the Second International Dairy Fair in New
                                                        York.79 Sherman was awarded the first place prize in
                                                        two of the four nationwide creamery butter catego-
                                                        ries (butter made in June and made in September).
                                                        Stewart won the other two categories (October and
                                                        November): Iowa butter was the hallmark of quality.

                                                           At least between 1878 and 1880, Sherman manu-
                                                        factured skim cheese from his butter by-products.80
                                                        This practice was not common among local butter
                                                        makers. Besides his manufacture of skim cheese, Sher-
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