Page 4 - RAGBRAI2014
P. 4


2 to Emmetsburg

    Water Trails                                    understanding of our state’s Water Trails. Iowa
                                                    DNR WT Coordinator John Wenck explained
   Emmet and Palo Alto counties are home            that, “The events developed out of a need to en-
to the West Fork Des Moines River. This is the      gage local communities in the projects, but have
northernmost extent of the Des Moines River in      a direct benefit of inspiring interest and apprecia-
Iowa, the longest river in the state. North of our  tion for the resource.”
capitol city, this river traverses through what is
known geologically as the Des Moines Lobe or           The University of Iowa Office of the State
the Prairie Pothole Region where the receding       Archaeologist is excited to be a partner in the
glacier left behind thousands of shallow wetlands   Water Trail Program along with the Iowa DNR
known as potholes or kettle lakes. Much of this     and the Iowa Water Trails Association. Presen-
vast network of interconnected swamps was his-      tations offered by our archaeologists include
torically drained as farmland. Yet, the West Fork   statewide community lectures and half to full-
is flanked by wooded bluffs, rolling terrain, and   day interpretive paddle trips. Lectures focus on
ridges, as well as farmland, which gives its visi-  an introduction to Iowa’s archaeological past, a
tors a sense of the landscape across time.          chronology of Iowa’s cultural history, and the
                                                    importance of Iowa’s water trails to people
   Beginning in 2013, the Iowa DNR Water Trail      throughout time, with added content applicable
Program initiated free educational presentations    to each community or water trail. The guided
                                                    paddle trips also highlight local archaeological
                      to support and expand         sites, and participants learn to “think like an ar-
                      public awareness and          chaeologist” by examining landform features and
                                                    exposed cut banks.
                         Thebes projectile
                         point found near              For more information on Iowa’s water trails
                         Emmetsburg at              or to check out a schedule of upcoming pro-
                         site 13PL118               grams, visit the Iowa Water Trails Association
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