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   Founded in 1847, Pella is an example of a community working toward historical preservation
and restoration, including 16 properties and districts on the National Register of Historic Places. Fa-
mous for its Tulip Time in May and continued Dutch cultural influence, Pella has become a popular
tourist destination. Visit Pella’s tourist website at: for more information.

WYATT EARP HOUSE                                    PELLA OPERA HOUSE
                                                        The Pella Opera House was built in 1900,
   Born in 1848 in Monmouth, Illinois, Wyatt
Earp was brought to Pella at the age of two         replacing the earlier building that burned in
where he spent most his childhood. Wyatt’s          1880, and served as a theater for only 18
father, Nicholas, disagreeing with the South’s      years. In addition to hosting plays, musicals,
secession and the emancipation of the slaves        and silent movies, the building has also housed
organized a large wagon train, left Pella and       a grocery store, bowling alley, skating rink,
headed for California in 1864. Restored in          hardware store, and recreation teen center.
1966 to a typical 1850s homestead, the Wyatt        The building was purchased by the Pella Histori-
Earp house was added to the National Register       cal Society in 1987. The restored building, now
in 1990 and is now the location of the Histori-     on the National Register, is again being used as
cal Village Museum. Visit www.pellatuliptime.       a theater for over 300 patrons. Visit www.pel-
com/historical-village/wyatt-earp for more for more information.
                                                    Photos courtesy Pella Convention & Visitors Bureau

   The Vermeer mill, reaching 124 feet high,
is the tallest working windmill in the United
States. Patterned after 1850s Dutch windmills,
it provides a working example of craftsman-
ship and flour production from the late 19th
century. Powered solely by the wind, the mill
sells its flour to local businesses. Visit www.
for more information.
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