Page 10 - RAGBRAI2009
P. 10


    Sac and Mesk-         Chief Wapello            Chief Wapello died on
waki chiefs Keokuk        Chief Keokuk             the banks of Rock Creek
and Wapello each had                               in present day Keokuk
a large village where                              County. His body was
Ottumwa is today. Ap-                              returned to the Indian
proximately 4 miles                                Agency by ox cart. Ac-
southeast of Ottumwa                               cording to Wapello’s
is the town of Agency.                             wishes, he was buried
The town dates to 1838                             at the agency beside the
when the U.S. Govern-                              grave of his friend, Gen-
ment established an                                eral Street. The graves
agency for the Sac and                             were not far from the
Meskwaki tribes, and                               old agency buildings.
appointed Joseph Street                            Following the 1842 sign-
as the agent. A black-                             ing of the treaties where
smith shop, a council                              the Sac and Meskwaki
house, and other build-                            sold their lands in Iowa
ings were erected. The                             to the government,
council house andAgent                             the tribes assigned the
Street’s house exist to-                           dwellings plus 640 acres
day as archaeological                              surrounding the agency
sites in farm fields. In                            toStreet’swidow. Today
1840 General Street                                the graves are protected
died and was buried at                             at Chief Wapello Memo-
the Agency. While on                               rial Park
a hunting trip in 1842

                          State Historical Museum

    The State Historical Society of    affiliation or marketing a cycling event
Iowa is seeking permanent dona-           are of particular interest. Other
tions of ride-specific and team                items will also be considered.
memorabilia from past or-                             If you have items for
ganized cycling events                               donations or would like
held in Iowa. Donated ar-                            further information please
tifacts will be incorporated                        contact:
into the State’s collection and
used in future interpretive ex-                  Jack Lufkin, Curator
hibits. T-Shirts, jerseys, patches,           Email:
hats and other items identifying team     Telephone: (515) 281-8295

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