Page 43 - DesMoinesRiver
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a thriving manufacturing center. Besides the        Association, the hotel houses the town library      and Van Buren a church, cabin and store. A
pottery and Meek’s mills, the town manufac-         and historical museum (Sheets 2007:21–22).          stone grist mill was also built nearby. When the
tured carriages, cigars, and men’s pants (Sheets    Original architectural features which can still be  Wisconsin territorial government established
2007:21).                                           seen include the wood flooring, chair rails, wal-   Keosauqua as the county seat for Van Buren
Banks, hotels, an opera house, and other busi-      nut staircase, two fireplace mantles, and a stone   County in 1837 the settlers of Keosauqua and
nesses grew up alongside manufacturing. Among       fireplace in the basement. As one of Iowa’s old-    Des Moines decided to combine the two towns
these was the Aunty Green Hotel. Built in 1841,     est structures, the hotel was nominated to the      (Anderson 2004:14–15).
just three years after the town was laid out,       NRHP in 1978 and stands as a testament to what
the two story hotel was the first brick building    concerned citizens can accomplish for historic      In January 1839, the Wisconsin Territorial Leg-
in Bonaparte. It was built and operated by an       preservation (Warner 1978).                         islature passed an act that continued the town’s
English immigrant, John Green. His wife Mary                                                            position as county seat. As county seat and
took over the business after John’s death and it    The entire Bonaparte Riverfront area is an illus-   trading center, the town drew business from the
became popularly known as “Aunty Green’s Ho-        tration of how major businesses influenced the      rural farms and other villages throughout the
tel” (Warner 1978:3). The hotel was nearly de-      economic development of a town. It is consid-       area. Edwin Manning built a two story mercan-
molished in 1971, but local residents organized to  ered representative of the small 19th century       tile store on the site of John Silver’s first cabin
acquire the property and restore the structure.     riverfront communities that were integral in        in 1839. The beautiful County Courthouse was
Now administered by the Bonaparte Historical        the development in the Des Moines River valley      built in 1843, and Manning’s store expanded to
                                                    between 1887 and 1909 and was placed on the         include a bank in 1854. The Des Moines River
Van Buren County Courthouse, Keosauqua, Iowa.       National Register as an Historic District in 1989   navigation project also completed Lock and Dam
                                                    (Naumann 1989). The district includes thirty-       #7 at Keosauqua in 1854. Edwin Manning owned
                                                    eight key resources and twenty-five contributing    and operated several steamboats and became
                                                    resources (Naumann 1989:3).                         the official supplier of goods to the Fort on the
                                                                                                        junction of the Raccoon River and Des Moines
                                                    KEOSAUQUA – 1839                                    River (Woodruff 1972: 2; Anderson 2004:16–
                                                                                                        17; Sheets 2007:46). Streets along the river front
                                                    The Van Buren County seat, Keosauqua, was           were crowded with businesses. Keosauqua still
                                                    established in 1839 at an important river cross-    has a number of structures from this boom pe-
                                                    ing point on the big horseshoe bend of the river.   riod. Many of these are on the NRHP. Included
                                                    This was reported to have been the site of the      are the Manning Hotel, County Courthouse,
                                                    first claim in the county staked by John Silvers    Twombly Building, and Pearson House.
                                                    in 1835. At this location, the Des Moines River
                                                    runs over bedrock and can easily be forded in       Hotel Manning
                                                    low water conditions. Two small villages had
                                                    already been established in the area, one named     The Hotel Manning was built in the late 1890s
                                                    Des Moines and another named Van Buren. Des         on the site of one of the worst fires in Keosau-
                                                    Moines boasted a stone hotel and livery stable      qua history. The fire destroyed two blocks of

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